Handwara Minor Girl Addresses Press Conference,Watch:https://youtu.be/-Q6761piCH8Was i really waiting for that sister (yet in her teens) to come and sit in a press conference with her parents and then make the statements in her support or to clear the air?
The answer is clear "No".and i believe every sane person was like this.The simple question to those people who are always active to denigrate the image of such victims:
Are we yet unknown to the state machinery and its working?
Don't we remember Kunan Poshpora, handwara, Aasiya, Neelofar and those innumerable cases of rapes and molestation by these men in uniform followed by their protection by men in Khakis on the orders of the Babus, whose allegiance has always with the oppressor's constitution( Which BDW never existed in Occupation) and under the patronage of Pro-occupation politicians?
If we remember, then there is no point in writing the captions like, "truth has arrived"or something like that.Didn't we know truth?
What if this girl had not come up to speak like this in media?
What if she would have been made to succumb under pressure,(like she has herself revealed and we already know the tactic) to not reveal anything regarding the matter?
What if She had herself willingly not chosen to speak like she did?
or what if there was any other thing involved?
Should all these questions have bothered us?
No, the Big No!!
She is a teen girl and like other natives is living under the watch of 8 lakh armed men plus innumerable unarmed agents so this apparatus can do anything- anything means anything and we have also examples of that in our past.
Even God Forbid the story would have been other way, should that have made any difference?
No Never.
the simple fact is that we are living in an occupation and untill and unless this occupation is not rooted out, these things are bound to happen and will definitely happen under our nose.
Today it was that the daughter of those unfortunate parents, tomorrow it could be one among our own Kith and Kin, a sister, a daughter or a mother!!
What then, would we then also seek the confirmation of facts?
The other important thing to note in this whole episode is how the stooges of occupation who also happen to be natives don't leave anything to protect the interests of the occupier.
lastly, to seek a temporary justice from the institutions of occupation is also a tactic of the occupation to make the occupation strong.The occupier is happy till the day, oppressed seeks or demands any kind of justice from their institutions.
The people who have helped the distressed family are surely to be praised. May Almighty reward them for their genuine and selfless efforts.
But please have a look on the other side also;
Aren't we made to believe that there is a scope of justice in the institutions of Occupier or collaborator ( Special reference to that BBC Lady acting as CWC)?
This should also serve collective shame for our society that we despite knowing each and everything about occupier/collaborator are unable to differentiate between 'Occupation' and 'Human rights'.
Lastly, i know like myself most of us will share the video or the news links for the day and then will sleep until next incident happens- Saddest.
IS all done now?
Who will give justice to those parents who lost their flowers in this whole episode?
We are ourselves responsible for the mess.had not we sided with the collaborators time and again, we must have thrown this occupation out. but unfortunately, on one side we seek/talk of Aazadi but on the other side write the columns, ask for votes, praise the little efforts of collaborators,pass suggestions to them- All of which directly or indirectly leads to strengthen occupation.
P.S; It reminds me of Umair Gul who some months before had written, "Resistance cant be decorated bouquet of flowers when occupation is an ugly volley of bullets and pellets. The fact that occupation is multi-faceted, resistance can’t afford a monotonous luxurious response. This is war and documenting, historicizing and language building are just secondary exercises that complement actual fighting. War of positioning and war of manoeuvre are indeed two fronts, while mere positioning will yield little but strengthen an armed occupation, manoeuvring is primarily important".
P.P.S: May Almighty give the patience to the girl and her parents.
and Also may Allah accept and bless those five Souls wih highest Place in Jannah, who fought oppression/occupation and achieved martyrdom.
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